
1.   Lääkäri Saulius Viksraitiksen kanssa pääsi heti yhteisymmärrykseen ja tunsi olevansa turvallisissa käsissä.Klinikka oli valoisa,moderni ja tyylikäs.Dianan kanssa konsultointi,ja muu askarruttava asia hoitui erinomaisesti.Suosittelen lääkäri Saulius Viksraitista kaikille parasta kirurgiaa haluaville.

Kirsikka Kopponen- juontaja

2.    Suosittelen Saulius Viksraitista lämpimästi. Itse kävin viime vuonna Dianan kanssa klinikalla ja paikka oli todella siisti ja henkilökunta mukavaa. Olin jo kauan miettinyt, että nyt on saatava apua ja neuvoja joten tutkin netissä asioita. Törmäsin sitä kautta Dianaan joka kertoi eri mahdollisuuksistani kohdallani ja neuvoi ja otti selvää lääkäri Viksraitikselta jos ei osannut itse vastata. Siitä sovittiin asioista ja lähdettiin Kaunasiin kohti lääkäri Viksraitiksen klinikkaa. Koko ajan itsellä oli turvallinen olo, vaikka aluksi vähän jännitti!
Paikan päällä tuntui, että olin modernissa hotellissa ja apua sai kun pyysi ja ruoka oli todella hyvää! Operaation jälkeen sai levätä ja parannella itseään rauhassa ja kotiin ei päästetty liian aikaisin, vaan vointia seurattiin ja katsottiin koska "päästetään" lähtemään takaisin Suomeen. Suomessa Diana piti tiiviisti yhteyttä ja varmisti, että olen kunnossa. 
Olen paremmassa kunnossa nyt kuin koskaan!

Hanna Ranta

3.   Olin päättänyt suurennuttaa rintani pitkän harkinnan jälkeen ja etsin tietoa ystäviltä, internetistä sekä hakeuduin useisiin konsultaatioihin. Päädyin kuitenkin lopulta siihen että tunsin suurta luottamusta Dianaa kohtaan jonka konsultoi lääkäri Saulius Viksraitisin klinikan Suomen potilaita.
Rintani suurennettiin Liettuassa lääkäri Viksraitisin klinikalla keväällä 2012 ja minulla on leikkauspelkoisena ainoastaan hyvää sanottavaa toimenpiteestä ja sen jäljestä. Rintani ovat juuri  nyt sopivat vartalooni, urheilulliseen elämän tyyliini ja ovat hyvin luonnolliset kuten halusinkin. Kivut eivät olleet sietämättömät ja jälkihoito oli helppoa.
Hotellin omaisessa lääkäri Saulius Viksraitiksen yksityis-sairaalassa minua palveltiin  kaikenkaikkiaan hyvin ystävällisesti ja henkilökohtaisesti.  Ruoka oli hyvää ja oma huoneeni oli rauhallinen eikä lainkaan sairaalan oloinen.
Tunsin olevani hyvissä käsissä. Kaikkiin kysymyksiini vastaattiin eikä mikää jäänyt askarruttamaan.
Suosittelen lämpimästi kaikille rintaleikkausta harkitsevaa lääkäri Viksraitiksen Liettuan klinikkaa jos haluaa laadukasta ja henkilökohtaista palvelua. Minulle todella jäi  hyvä olo siitä että he välittävät että lopputulos olisi mahdollisimman kaunis ja täydellinen sekä että potilas voi hyvin. Jos koskaan harkitsen jotakin muuta kauneuskirurgista toimenpidettä niin minun ei enää tarvitse miettiä mihin menen sillä se on selvää.

Paulina Twin 
Glamourmalli& Fitness urheilija

4.   Halusin leikkauttaa rintani mahdollisimman hyvässä paikassa, vaikka sinne on hiukan enemmän matkaa, ei tällä ole väliä sillä on kuitenkin kyse leikkauksesta joka vaikuttaa suuresti ulkonäkööni.
En halunnut lähteä yksin matkaan, niinpä klinikan konsultti odotti minua Helsingin lentokentällä. Lento oli lyhyt ja meitä odotti kentällä kuljettaja joka ajoi meidät lääkäri Saulius Viksraitiksen klinikalle Kaunasiin. Klinikka oli viihtyisä ja moderni , henkilökunta hoiti työnsä moiteettomasti.Lääkäri Viksraitis kävi katsomassa minua useasti päivässä operaation jälkeen. Lopputulokseen olen erittäin tyytyväinen.Kaikki sujui hienosti. Voin varauksetta suositella huippu-klinikkaa muillekin.

Heidi Lindblom malli

5.   Olen käyttänyt Kauneuskirurgian konsultin Diana Ball,in asiantuntevuutta ja palvelua jo hyvän aikaa ja aion näin tehdä jatkossakin. Diana on empaattinen, rauhoittava ja osaava "täydenpalvelun" konsultti, jolta löytyy ratkaisut, hoitotoimenpiteet, osaavuus ja vastaukset kinkkisimpiinkin aihealueisiin. Tämän lisäksi Diana on vahvasti alansa ilmiöiden ajantasalla kouluttaen itseään ja kartuttaen osaamistaan yhä vain monipuolisemmaksi.
Voin täysin varauksetta ja sydämestäni suositella Dianan tarjoamiin palveluihin tutustumista ja olenkin varma, että kokeiltuasi palaat niihin uudelleen ja uudelleen!

Tia Kiuru blogisti mediapersoona
Valokuva (c) Petri Mast

6.   Kärsin nuoruudesta lähtien aknen jättämistä arvista kasvoissa. Olen aiemmin kokeillut niihin monia hoitoja, mutta Dianan ohjauksella löysin vihdoin toimivan ja tehokkaan hoidon.
Nyt ihoni on ensimmäistä kertaa tasainen ja hyvin voiva. Voin lämpimästi suositella klinikan palveluita muillekin.

Mikko Flinkman
meikkaaja kampaaja ,stylisti

7.   Työni toimittajana Kauneus & Terveys -lehdessä on vienyt minut juttujen kirjoittamisen vuoksi pintaa syvemmälle kauneusbisneksen maailmaan niin tuoteviidakkoon kuin kauneuskirurgien vastaanotoille. Olen haastatellut monia plastiikkakirurgeja ja tutustunut heidän työhön vuosien varrella. Toimitukseen tulee tasaisesti puhelinsoittoja, joissa lukijamme kysyvät suosituksia kenelle kannattaisi mennä kauneusleikkaukseen. Olen siis antanut lääkärisuosituksia monille naisille omien kokemusteni ja tietämykseni perusteella, siksipä uskallan lähtä myös suosittelemaan Saulius Viksraittiin klinikkaa Kaunauksessa.

Olen ollut tekemisissä kauneuskirurgian kanssa jo 90-luvun puolivälistä lähtien. Oma leikkauskierre oli raastava kokemus:

Itse jouduin tekemisiin kauneuskirurgian kanssa toden teolla, kun vuonna 1998 päätin korjauttaa lapsena murtuneen nenäni kuntoon. Rakas isoveljeni oli heittänyt minua jäisellä lumipallolla suoraan nenään pienenä ja nenähän kasvoi sitten hiukka erikoiseen malliin. Olin tuohon aikaan täysin vakuuttunut, että leikkaus on tehtävä Suomessa parhaimman nenäkirurgin toimesta. Niin myös tein. Luotin saamaani tietooni ja seurauksena jouduin leikkaus kierteeseen. Tämä suomalainen 'huippunenäkirurgi' teki nenästäni entistä kieromman ja nenää yritettiin korjata vielä kolme kertaa saman kirurgin toimesta. Lopputuloksena oli nenän tyvestä leveä ja kärjestä superkapea nokka, johon olin kaikkea muuta kuin tyytyväinen. Valitin saman lääkäriaseman johtavalle lääkärille, että en ole tyytyväinen lopputulokseen. Vuosia ja rahaa oli kulunut aivan liikaa koko projektiin ja silti olin tyytymätön. Johtavan lääkärin mielestä nenä oli aivan ok ja hän ei sitä enää uskaltanut leikata, koska hänen mielestä lopputulos voisi olla vain huonompi.

Luoja lykkynä tutustuin Diana Ball'iin ja hän kertoi loistavasta klinikasta Liettuassa. Uskalsin lähteä vielä kerran korjaamaan nenää, koska ajattelin ettei siintä enää huonompi voi tulla. Kaunaksen klinikalla luottamukseni plastiikkakirurgi Saulius Viksraittiiseen kasvoi heti ensi tapaamisella. Hän näytti paljon kuvia korjaamistaan todella pahoin vaurioituneista nenistä onnettomuuksissa sekä synnynnäisten vikojen korjauksista. Olin satavarma, että Saulius osaa korjata myös minun tunaroidusti leikatun nenän. Maksoin nenästä murto-osan mitä olin siihen Suomessa jo sijoittanut ja Viksraitis sai sen korjattua aivan suoraksi ja sopivan kokoiseksi kasvoihini nähden. Leikkaus oli kuulemma hankala, muttei kuitenkaan se vaikein tapaus mitä Saulius oli leikannut. Nenäni oli vihdoinkin kunnossa ja elettiin jo vuotta 2010.

Julia Suikki

8.    Dr. Viksraitis,
I just wanted to let you know my nose is doing well.  It is very symetrical. My eyes are just lovely! I have a lot more confidence then I did before the surgery. My forehead is VERY natural. All in all I am delighted. You really are gifted.

Carrie Williamson (New York)

9.    Dr. Vikšraitis,
such a superb doctor, very experienced very caring and treats you as a person and not just another patient willing to part with money. I would not use any other plastic surgeon. i would recommend this highly skilled surgeon to everyone.

Faceache (Liverpool)

10.    Britta og Torben Skov Slusebakken 8  DK-6094 Hejls
In November 2004 I visited and consulted Dr. Saulius  Viksraitis  in his clinic in Kaunas, Lithuania for a possible facelift operation. After visiting several plastic surgeons in Western Europe my husband and I felt confidence and safety after Dr. Saulius Viksraitis had gone through a medical check up.
I was explained and informed about the risks and difficulties in such a big total face up operation.
As one can see on the picture taking before the operation I had a lot of wrinkles and deep lines in my face and to much superfluous skin under my chin, which stem from hereditary factors. I felt and looked older than 52 years.
In January 2005 I was operated in Dr. Saulius Viksraitis clinic and bedridden for 3 days. The operation was a success and I was perfectly medicated and carefully taking care of, and almost painless after this big operation. Coming home after 4 days I  got outpatient treatment in  Mr.Saulius clinic  every second day the next 10 days.
The stitches was taken out and I was flying home to Denmark after 2 weeks.
One Year after the operation  pictures speaks for it selves, and now I not only feel younger, but also glad that my face not looks transparent and mummy like, but just natural.
Looking back on the operation, the treatment, the hospitality and best of all - the final result. I can only express my warmest thanks and recommendations.

Yours sincerely
Britta Skov

11.    My name is Silwia Skowronska 32, travel guide, polish, working in Switzerland. I dedicate this letter to all woman that are concerned about there beauty. I known about Dr. Saulius Viksraitis  from my Lithuanian friend, I saw her beautiful breast. She said that this was the work of a very good surgeon in Lithuania. She came with me to clinic. I decided to change my breast too. My breast was completely destroyed: asymmetric, felling down etc. When I saw it few days after operation I couldn’t believe that this was my breast. Doctor understood me perfectly, I didn’t want very big breast, I wanted it to look natural. It was exactly how we spoke, no mistakes at all. I was very happy.
After 4 months I decided to make liposuction on my legs. I was not glad about the shape of my legs. I came back to Dr.Viksraitis. And again I’m very happy because doctor made exactly how I imagined. I think that in this kind of profession is not enough to be a good surgeon, you have to be an artist, too. Our doctor is a very good specialist, his team is very professional in all fields. I’ll always come back to Kaunas.

Silwia Skowronska, Switzerland

12.    I flew from my home in London, England in September 02, to Lithuania to have a cosmetic surgery. I traveled with my friend who also had a cosmetic surgery. We were met at the airport by Dr. Saulius Viksraitis secretary and taken to our apartment, which we thought was a great kindness. We had our consultation the next day with the surgeon who we found to be highly qualified, highly professional and, most important of all, in this field very experienced. We had been recommended by a friend in London who had just returned from Lithuania, having completed face-lift surgery and breast augmentation. She looked fabulous and was so happy with her surgery that we could not wait to go and have ours done. She too had been recommended by two other English ladies who had also undergone cosmetic surgery with Dr. Viksraitis and Dr. Astrauskas. I myself had a facelift performed by Dr. Viksraitis and abdominal liposuction. I stayed at the clinic for a few days where I had the very best of treatment.
My surgery went very well without any problems arising, and it was remarkably pain free. The food was excellent, I slept well, the doctors and all the staff are very kind and caring people. (They all speak English also!) The aftercare was excellent as myself and my friend stayed in Kaunas, Lithuania for one month to recover at a relaxing pace. The doctor called to our apartment to see us regularly as our apartment was close by, and we had our check ups at the clinic also.
I am so happy with my surgery I would recommend anyone else to go there.

Ms Mia O'Niehl, London, England

13.    Julie, my partner and long term girlfriend wanted a tummy tuck and face lift and must have spent five years researching the subject. Finally as a result of this and personal recommendation the decision was made and an appointment for surgery confirmed with Dr Viksraitis.
Naturally I wanted to go with Julie for support and although I had hoods over my eyes and a baggy chin surgery was not really my thing and so I decided to wait and talk to Dr Viksraitis face to face before I made any decision.
We arrived the night before Julie’s operation was scheduled, in freezing conditions with thick snow and ice but we were collected from the airport and settled nicely into the Clinic with a light evening meal.
The next morning we went for our consultation with Dr Viksraitis and after seeing his work and achievements I had no doubts I was more than happy to go ahead with a total face lift for me. Julie was already convinced, her months of emails between her and Dr Viksraitis had only added to her confidence. Dr Viksraitis is not only a very talented Surgeon but an Artist who will only accept perfection in his work. He inspires confidence and makes you feel individual, nothing is rushed.
The rest is history we both had our operations and now I am sitting here writing this testimonial ten days after my operation feeling great and looking ten years younger. Julie is the same apart from her tummy tuck which was six days ago and apart from slight discomfort she looks absolutely fantastic.
The operations went extremely well and the staff and aftercare was second to none, the clinic was marvellous everyone working as a team and we cannot express enough our feeling and delight at the whole experience. Yes it was painful and uncomfortable at times although controlled but well worth it and I am so glad I went forward with the operation. Julie is delighted with the results.
A huge thank you to Dr Viksraitis and his team!!

Julie and David
Rochester, Kent

14.    Tatjana Berežnova, Visaginas
Если вы ещё молоды, полны сил и вполне привлекательны, вряд ли вы остоновитесь на этой страничке. А, уж коле вы здесь, позвольте мне догадаться «почему». Ваш возраст слегка «ЗА» возможно даже вы прекрасно сложены и «издалека» и «сзади» вполне привлекательны, но вы то сами про себя всё знаете: используете весь арсенал советов в женских журналах «Как быть в форме в любом возрасте». У вас есть хороший порикмахер, косметолог, ухоженые ноготки и вы вполне уверенно двигаетесь в туфлях на высоких каблуках.
Впрочем, возможно, всё совсем не так: а просто ваши дети выросли или муж давно потерял к вам интерес, позади тяжёлая, полная стресов, ошибок, неудач жизнь, всё меньше радует комплименты мужчин (потому что вы то знаете, что чем дальше, тем меньше в них доля правды). Вас не очень успокаивают наблюдение за вашими сверстниками, которые выглядит гораздо хуже и страшнее вас. В зеркало на вас смотрит унылое выражение вашего собственого фейса и если вы не украсите его лучезарной улыбкой, лицо выглядит уставшим, увидающим и, что ещё хуже, даже злым. И это есть правда жизни, которая, как известно у каждого своя: и у вас своя, теперь некрасивая, или вернее вы, сами воспринимаете это почти трагически. Так в чём же дело?
Я надеюсъ,Вы достаточно умны и давно поняли, почему в рекламных журналах косметику для стареющей кожи рекламируют свежие 17-летние красавицы. Нет, я не против хорошей косметики и золотых украшений. Но поверте мне, обычной женьшине, средней внешности и среднего достатка, что можно обойтись без дорогих кремов,масок...бирюлек (они не прибавят счастливого блеска в ваших глазах,хотя в совокупности пожалуй стоят столъко-же,сколъко стоит хирургическая операция). Одна и на целых 9 лет! Ваша жизнъ сделает чудесный виток в молодость. Изменится ваше настроение, характер и даже отношение окружающих вас людей.
В клинике Вас встретят два хирурга ,,от Бога,, с золотыми руками, золотыми сердцами и наконец, оба элегантнейшие, изысканного вкуса МУЖЧИНЫ. Доверте им свои проблемы и ваши беды превратятся в Ваши достоинства. Я попала в клинику первый раз 9 лет назад (мне было 42 года), сделала правильный выбор и эти 9 лет пролетели для меня быстро, насыщенно и интересно. Когда моё зеркало опять напомнило мне о грустной правде жизни, я ни на минуту не задумалась к кому я должна обратиться. На операционный стол я легла без капли страха и проснулась без капли боли. Да это дешёвое удовольствие, но я уверена, что стоит тольло захотеть и Ваш изобретательный ум найдёт правильное решение. Сервис, комфорт, предупредительное внимание, новейшие фармацевтические препараты, высочайший профисионализм всего колектива- это моё мнение от чистого сердца. И боюсь что этих банальныч слов далеко недостаточно для тех "чудес", которые происходят в этих стенах.

Tatjana Berežnova,

15.    At the age of 43 I decided that I needed to address the signs of aging in my face and spent a lot of time researching cosmetic surgery through purchasing books and gaining information from websites on the internet. After breastfeeding two children I also felt I wanted to put some fullness back into my sagging breast and researched breast augmentation with cohesive gel implants. After seeing dramatic facial results from a couple of patients of Dr. Viksraitis on a website for plastic surgery patients I decided to book surgery immediately after a cruise we were taking during the summer. Before the surgery I took arnica and bromelain to aid recovery and cut out alcohol for one month pre surgery.
I spent two weeks in Kaunas in August 2007, during which time I had a triplanar facelift (endoscopic midface lift and forehead lift, upper and lower eyelids surgery, lowerface lift and mole removal) in one surgery followed one week later by breast augmentation surgery and liposuction of the abdomen and legs. My husband and I flew by Ryan Air from Stansted, UK, and were met at the airport by Tony, who did a fantastic job of looking after us and transporting us to and from the clinic. Not only was he a wealth of information on Lithuania but he offered great support and companionship to my husband during my recuperation. We enjoyed browsing around the shops in Kaunas, purchased some local souvenirs and had some really nice meals at very good prices. Luckily Tony had a friend who was just opening a bed and breakfast and we stayed there which really was fantastic as it felt so much like home and was very spacious and clean.
The day before my first surgery I had all my preaoperative tests done and I was really impressed with the clinic. The staff were very friendly and the clinic was very modern and clean. Dr. Viksraitis went over the upcoming surgeries and showed me photos of past patients. I was very nervous about the anaesthesia but I was amazed at how calm I was going into the theatre. I awoke 7-8 hours later with my head bandaged and hair in little braids feeling remarkably good. What I like especially about Dr. Viksraitis is that he spends a full day on one patient for facial surgery – he does not rush people through in a conveyor belt type system like surgeons but takes his time to ensure he has done a great job. I stayed at the clinic for three days after each surgery and the nurses were very attentive. They even brought a card with translations for basic terms from English to Lithuanian. Throughout the day and night they would regularly put ice around my head and face and gel in my eyes and ensure that I was taking my antibiotics and pain relief medication on time. They also put me under a healing lamp every day. My eyes were scratchy and watery after surgery so it was difficult to go on my laptop but I had my own TV with a few of English speaking channels to pass away the time. The food menu was really extensive and very tasty. Of course, after facial surgery you are pretty much limited to soups and yogurts. I brought lip balm with me and antiseptic wipes as you are pretty much bedbound for the first few days and cannot shower with all the drains in.
Before the second round of surgeries I was quite anxious but Dr. Viksraitis calmly allayed my fears and spent a long time going through all my questions to ensure I was fully prepared. My second round of surgeries were completed without a problem and the clinic provided a surgical bra and liposuction leggings (although I brought my own also). Upon discharge I had my final consultation with Dr. Viksraitis and was given any required medication. I returned to the UK one week later which was a little earl but I had to get my daughter back to school. Amazingly, two weeks after my facial surgery the small amount of bruising I had was gone and I typically bruise quite badly. I still wore a hat and sunglasses outside but was able to go out in public without feeling too self conscious. I would definitely recommend Dr. Viksraitis to any prospective patient. He is a very fine surgeon with an eye for beauty and a very calming demeanour. His before and after results are very impressive (both face and breast work) and he does certainly make you look much younger post operatively. My breasts have taken a long time to soften but they look quite natural even though they are round and the scar below the breast is very neat.
However, beware that the recuperation is long in order to achieve these results and there may be days when you feel down and fed up with the amount of time it takes to feel normal again. I had a lot of surgery but I felt quite weak for at least three weeks afterwards and would have found it hard if I had a demanding job. Psychologically, it is quite hard to look in the mirror at a different face (even if it is an improvement!) and initially my eyes looked very different. Dr. Viksraitis tightened the canthus making them quite slanted post surgery but now they have dropped a lot. I am now three months post surgery and still have some areas which bother me but I know I have to be patient and that time certainly will heal.
To any prospective patients good luck with your decision and to Dr. Viksraitis thak you once again for making me young again.

Yours sincerely,
Sally Aggarwal
47 South Road
SN 01 Bermuda

16.    In May 2008, after Months of searching the web and reading every article and blog on plastic surgeon sites, I decided on a surgeon in Kaunas Lithuania. At 44 years old I didn’t like the tell tale signs of aging. I was never blessed with breasts, so I decided I would do something about it. I flew to Lithuania after having a video consultation with the surgeon. I was collected from the airport as pre-arranged and taken to a house which would become “home” for the next fortnight. I had my own room with a TV and DVD and was told to use the kitchen and use the house freely. The following day was my “big day”. I was taken by car to the hospital where I was greeted by the receptionist in her immaculately dressed orange suit. And asked to go straight through to see Saulius Vikšraitis , the surgeon. We spent a long time discussing what I wanted, and he showed me pictures of breast augmentation of various previous patients. After I had decided on what expectations I had and he and myself had agreed what was best for me as an individual, he started to mark my eyes – which due to excessive late nights and smoking had becoming puffy and saggy. He held temples of my face and pulled them back; giving me the look I had lost 10 years ago.
 The surgery went smoothly and strange to say – I was so relaxed and knew I had nothing to worry about, as the aura of this doctor and the hospital atmosphere made me 100% sure I had made the correct decision to choose this surgeon. The hospital was so clean and modern and made the private hospitals in the UK look dated and on hygienic.
I was given burgundy pajamas and dressing gown and shown into my own private room where I changed ready to be taken by the nurse, to the theatre. The theatre was state of the Uk and so clean I was wondered if it had ever been used. The anesthetist came in and spoke perfect English and gave me a tablet to relax me – even though I was totally relaxed. I remember climbing onto the operating bed and having a feeling of total tranquility.
I woke up a few hours later in my private room where a nurse was ready and waiting to make sure I was comfortable and ok. At first I was wondered when the operation was going to happen, but soon realized I was bandaged up award my head and had a tight support bra on, so obviously it was all done. Next to the bed was a card with useful phrases like, “I’m in pain”, “I am thirsty” etc. but most of the nurses spoke or understood English.  The food was brought in from a restaurant that you choose from a menu each morning, basically, the whole three days I was in the hospital was extremely blissful. I was collected when Saulius felt I was ready to leave as prearranged. I was taken back to Dusty’s house where I met others who were convalescing after their various surgeries they had had by Saulius.  The atmosphere was so great; it was almost as if I was on holiday. Every two/three days we had return to the hospital where Saulius checked our progress and changed dressings in person – and each time we were chauffeured to and from the house to the hospital and even managed to get in some Lithuanian in some therapy shopping (using large sunglasses!) By the beginning of the second week I had decided to mention my excess skin on my stomach after having two children a few years before. Saulius said he could solve that problem – so back I went exactly a week after my mid face lift and eye surgery to remove my stretched and loose skin. Again the experience was fantastic and the ladies, whom I now had become friends with, were brought up to visit me. I stayed in hospital two nights then was brought back to Dusty’s house and my “room”.  On each appointment for check-ups the hospital – Saulius saw me in person – not a different doctor - as in the UK. His demeanor was as calm and professional as I could have wished for. When it was time for me to return to England, I felt sad to be leaving Dusty’s house and the seventy I had become accustomed to, over the last fortnight it was an experience I knew I would return to when I felt I need any other surgery. After returning to England and the healing process had been completed,I received emails from Dusty about my well being and emails from Saulius to check on my progress.
Exactly a year later, I found myself being collected from Kaunas airport by Dusty and being driven once again to the house which was “home” to me last year for the surgery I had arranged to “up-lift” my breasts. Once again, the surgery was carried by Saulius and my stay at Dusty’s was a pleasurable one. If in the future if I feel I need any other surgery or can recommend a surgeon, I will most definitely be saying Saulius Vikšraitis and Dusty’s house to stay at and convalesce.
The entire Contents of this letter are totally unsolicited and true reflection of my experience of Surgery in Lithuania.
Teresa Drewell

If you need or would like any further assurance regarding perspective surgery in this field – please email me and I will hopefully answer any questions you may have.


24    pril 2009

17. Olin pohtinut nenäleikkausta vuosia ja pitkän tiedonhaun jälkeen päätin valita klinikakseni Plastic Surgery Centerin. Yhteistyö klinikan kanssa oli alusta lähtien sujuvaa. Konsultti Johanna Pesu auttoi minut alkuun, vastasi mieltä askarruttaviin kysymyksiini ja antoi vinkkejä käytännön asioissa. Toimenpiteen lähestyessä myös klinikan henkilökunta oli yhteydessä minuun ja koin oloni tervetulleeksi.
Itse klinikka oli upea, henkilökunta asiantuntevaa ja mukavaa, mutta tavatessani kirurgi Sauliaus Viksraicion sain varmuuden siitä, että olen asiantuntevissa käsissä. Kävimme läpi miten toimenpide suoritetaan ja vaikka emme juurikaan keskustelleet toiveistani, hämmästyin näin jälkeenpäin kuinka vahva yhteisymmärrys meillä oli lopputuloksesta. Itse toimenpide (ruston muotoilu) oli huomattavasti pienempi operaatio kuin olin ajatellut ja pääsin matkustamaan Kaunaksesta, jossa klinikka sijaitsee, takaisin VIlnaan jo samana iltana. Vaikka paranemisprosessi on vielä kesken, voin jo todeta, että lopputulos on hyvin luonnollinen ja maltillinen, juuri niin kuin halusinkin.Voinkin siis lämpimästi suositella Plastic Surgery Centeria ja kirurgi Sauliaus Viksraiciota.

Nimetön, Turku

18. Kävin SV Plastic Surgery Centerissä laittamassa leukaimplantin ja korjauttamassa nenääni ja voin suositella klinikkaa lämpimästi!Tri. Saulius Viksraitis on erittäin ammattitaitoinen kirurgi ja olen lopputulokseen hyvin tyytyväinen.Tunnelma klinikalla oli lämmin ja henkilökunta ystävällinen. Johanna antoi kattavasti hyvää infoa ennen leikkausta,auttoi käytännön asioissa ja oli mailitse tukena myös leikkauksen jälkeen. Tunsin olevani hyvissä käsissä koko prosessin ajan.

Serena, Helsinki

19. Halusin taitavan ja kokeneen kirurgin joka kuuntelee asiakkaan toiveita. Saulius Viksraitiksen klinikalla olen  käynyt kahdessa operaatiossa ja olen ollut enemmän kuin tyytyväinen palveluun ja operaatioiden tuloksiin. Leikkauksien jälkeen minusta on huolehdittu todella hyvin. Myös yhteydenpito on sujunut erinomaisesti ennen leikkausta ja sen jälkeen suomalaisen konsultin sekä klinikan yhteyshenkilön kanssa. Kaikkiin kysymyksiini on vastattu todella nopeasti sekä tarvittavissa järjestelyissä autettu. Voin lämpimästi suositella Saulius Viksraitiksen  klinikkaa.

Sini, Vantaa