Contact Persons


I am the contact person for Saulius Viksraitis Plastic Surgery Center in Finland, you can find me in Hämeenlinna.

I will help you with all practical matters, and through me you can communicate with the surgeon and the clinic's staff comfortably in Finnish language.

I'll tell you a little bit about the clinic from my point of view.

Our surgeon is very experienced in operations of both the face and the body. He has developed new techniques in surgery, and, for example, in endoscopic face lifts, he is an internationally recognized expert. He is also a painter and a sculptor, with an artistic eye for the human body.

The surgeon's own private clinic in Kaunas, Lithuania, is remarkably "tasokas" and well-equipped, very clean, and "luottamusta herättävä". Still, it is comfortable and has a warm atmosphere, a very nice place to recover. It does not have the "liukuhihnamaisuus" of many bigger facilities, and the surgeon takes the time to really concentrate on each patient.

After surgery you are made to feel as comfortable as possible, you will get good food, and your own nurse will be checking up on you all the time. The whole staff are warm, friendly people, and can work through even the language barrier.

I will help you arrange your trip; flights and hotels, and driver to the airport. If you feel unsure about traveling alone or moving after surgery, all kinds of extra assistance may be possible. We can go through all the details so you will feel secure.

I will tell you about the recovery period, give you tips, and you can contact me anytime, even just for emotional support.

You can call me, or we can meet, if it's practical for you. But the best way to start is to write me about your thoughts by email.

If you have just started to consider an operation, and don't know what procedure would be right for you, we can just discuss different options.

Of course this does not "velvoita mihinkään", and you can think about it and make your decision in peace, when it feels right for you.

Best regards,
Johanna Pesu